Extended CAS deadline – UK

Greetings from Kingston University London!

We are pleased to let you know, the CAS request deadline for the faculty of Science Engineering Computing (SEC) courses has been extended until 18th Dec 2020. Please inform the conditional offer holders, to make use of this flexibility and upload their pending academic documents on their OSIS account and request for CAS as soon as their offer is unconditional and before/on 18th Dec 2020.

The Enrolment and Arrival in the UK deadline for SEC courses remains the same, as per the below table.

CAS Request;    Arrival in the UK



Deadline dates, for the Jan-2021 intake, as follows:

Postgraduate Courses Faculty of Science, Engineering and Computing:  

  Course Start Date: You must arrive in the UK before: Latest date of enrolment: Latest date to request CAS:
Postgraduate 3 January 2021 19 January 2021 14 January 2021 18 December 2020


IMP Note: Students are not required to pay CAS deposit 3000 pounds for the Jan &  Mar 2021, intake.

Further, following recent Home Office changes there is now an additional requirement for anyone using an Education Loan from a bank to include the following on the loan letter: they are a regulated loan scheme’  

For students using bank loan letter to evidence funds requirement for visa purpose, kindly use the attached template.


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