Middlesex University: Key Deadlines September 2024

Programme Start Date
18th of September 2024
Classes will start on this date.
Cut-off Date for New Applications
31st of July 2024
We will stop accepting new applications.
Payment Deadline
5th of August 2024
By this date, the payment should be reflected in the university account.
CAS Issuance Deadline
24th of August 2024
For UKVI listed HIGH-RISK nationalities
Latest Enrollment & Latest
Arrival Date in the UK
11th of October 2024
The last date for the students to arrive in the UK and enrol
Programme Start Date
Graduate MBA
BSc Hons Nursing
16th of September 2024
Classes will start on this date.
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University of South Wales- September 2024 intake
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September 2024 scholarship offer for University of West London

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