Oxford Brookes University: Agent Q&A, applicant support details and important dates

Agent question and answer session

We would officially like to invite you to an agent Q&A session on Tuesday 27 July 2021 at 10:00 am – 11:00 am UK time.

This session will cover a range of topics including plans for September, Visa information, support for students from red list countries and much more. We will hold a Q&A session at the end for your questions. Please note, registration is required.

Register for the Q&A Agent session »

Reminder of important dates and deadlines: meet offer conditions and apply for CAS

  1. Your students will need to have met any conditions of their offer by Friday 30 July in order to confirm their place, including payment of any required deposit.
  2. Once your students have an unconditional offer, they will be sent a Visa Information Form to complete. The deadline to submit this form and all supporting documents, including correct financial evidence for their visa application, is Friday 6 August. You can read more about what your students will need to provide as part of this process on our website.
  3. We would encourage your students to submit this as soon as possible in order to receive a CAS by the deadline of Friday 13 August.
  4. Online enrolment will start in late August, we will email your students nearer the time.

Additional application support is available through the Virtual Applicant Support Team:

Conditional offer holder support: Results/qualifications need to be uploaded to the portal or sent via email directly to [email protected]. In order for applications to be processed faster, your email subject lines must include the student name and ID of an applicant.

Unconditional Firm offer holder support: All queries related to the VIF/CAS process must be emailed directly to [email protected].

How to get a CAS »

International dates and deadlines for September entry

30 JULY 2021 Unconditional offer deadline: students must have met all conditions and paid a deposit

31 JULY 2021 Accommodation application deadline

6 AUGUST 2021 Deadline to send VIF (Visa Information Form) and supporting documents

13 AUGUST 2021 CAS issuance deadline for September 2021 entry

11 – 12 SEPTEMBER 2021 Arrivals weekend

13 SEPTEMBER 2021 Induction begins

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