Urgent Enrollment Update for All UK Universities – Jan/Feb’21 Intake

This is in regards to your students going to UK for Jan 21 intake. Incase students are traveling late to the university then they must enroll for online classes. This should ensure students are not missing any lectures. To enroll for the online Classes Visa is not required. For online enrolment, students must have paid 50% of the first-year tuition fees (This requirement is for some of the Universities) and should take care of the below-mentioned points.

1. Met all the offer conditions.
2. paid the required amount of fees needed for registration.

If students are not attending online classes then they will miss lectures and once they reach UK they will face difficulty in enrolment. Enrolment process details must have received by the student on their registered email id or in the student’s portal once they meet the above two conditions. Hence please ensure all students are completing the online enrolment process on time to avoid any confusion.

Note: Please check the respective University tuition fees and kindly advise the student to pay the remaining fees.

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