Important dates and deadlines and other news

Greetings from Oxford Brookes University,

Important dates and deadlines: Meet offer conditions and apply for CAS

  1. Your students will need to have met any conditions of their offer by Friday 30 July in order to confirm their place, including payment of any required deposit.
  2. Once your students have an unconditional offer, they will be sent a Visa Information Form to complete. The deadline to submit this form and all supporting documents, including correct financial evidence for their visa application, is Friday 6 August. You can read more about what your students will need to provide as part of this process on our website.
  3. We would encourage your students to submit this as soon as possible in order to receive a CAS by the deadline of Friday 13 August.
  4. Online enrolment will start in late August, we will email your students nearer the time.
How to get a CAS »

Global Buddies: success during the pandemic
Despite the pandemic, this semester still saw approximately 100 students from 29 nationalities take part in our Global Buddies programme. The students involved were more involved and engaged than ever, which showed the importance of the programme in this difficult time.

“One thing in particular that Global Buddies has allowed me to do is to improve my communication skills, whether through checking in with my Buddies once a week or overcoming some language or cultural differences during our activities… Therefore, I am extremely grateful to the programme for allowing me to do this. Overall, it has been a fantastic experience and I would highly recommend taking part to all Brookes students.” – A quote from a Buddy.

Make sure to encourage your students to join Global Buddies.

Read about the Global Buddies programme »

Oxford Brookes University rowers to represent Great Britain at the Tokyo Olympics
We are delighted to announce four teammates from the Oxford Brookes University Boat Club have been selected to represent Great Britain this summer at the (rearranged) 2020 Tokyo Olympics Games.

Read about this story »

International dates and deadlines for September entry

30 JULY 2021 Unconditional offer deadline: students must have met all conditions and paid a deposit

6 AUGUST 2021 Deadline to send VIF (Visa Information Form) and supporting documents

13 AUGUST 2021 CAS issuance deadline for September 2021 entry

11 – 12 SEPTEMBER 2021 Arrivals weekend

13 SEPTEMBER 2021 Induction begins

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