Remote Study at the University of Nottingham – Academic Year 2021/22

Greetings from Nottingham SI-UK

I hope you and your teams are safe and well.

We are really hoping that students will be able to join us in person this upcoming academic year to experience our fantastic campuses, facilities and student societies.

However, where this is not possible for a limited number of reasons, we may be able to offer Remote Study (where students will study their course online rather than in person) for the 2021/22 academic year.

Please note that this email does not guarantee students a place on their course; students still need to meet the conditions of their offer.

Eligibility for Remote Study

Remote Study is open to any international, EU or home applicant who is residing outside of the UK.

Any Remote Study requests must be directly related to the impact of Covid-19 and either:

travel restrictions, including a lack of transport links and the health risk posed to anyone with a condition listed by the NHS as a shielding condition;

  • legal restrictions barring entry to the UK or departure from your country of residence (excluding standard quarantine requirements on departure or arrival); or
  • financial restrictions, including significant, unexpected and temporary personal financial barriers
  • late release of results

Applying for Remote Study

Anyone who meets any of the above criteria is welcome to apply for Remote Study.

However, applications will be considered on a case-by-case basis. Please note that it may not be possible to deliver some programmes of study remotely.

A full list of these courses can be viewed using the link below.

Courses not eligible for remote study

The maximum period for Remote Study is one academic year. However, approval is required for each semester, so if students want to extend their Remote Study into semester two, they will need to reapply.

To be considered for Remote Study in the first semester, students must apply by Wednesday 6 October 2021.

Apply for Remote Study >
Once students have submitted their request for Remote Study (via the button above) it will be sent to Admissions, who will aim to respond within two working days.

In exceptional cases students’ application may be referred to their programme director for a decision, in which case they will liaise with the student directly and a response may take slightly longer.

Please consider any contractual obligations your students may have committed to with accommodation providers. You may not be able to cancel these contracts.

For postgraduate researcher applicants, please speak directly to your supervisor or programme director to discuss your options.

Visa and Immigration guidance

The UK government have confirmed that universities can continue to act as the immigration sponsor for a student who is studying remotely.

This concession to the immigration rules will apply until 6 April 2022.

This is a continuation of a Covid-19 concession to the immigration rules which allowed students to study remotely while holding a CAS or student visa during the last academic year.

Late arrival

If your students are experiencing short term financial, visa or travel restrictions that will delay their arrival onto campus they do not need to apply for Remote Study.

Most students will be able to arrive on campus within the first four weeks of the semester and will not need to present evidence to support their delay.

However, students must have completed university registration by Monday 11 October 2021 and have arrived on campus and completed any quarantine by Sunday 17 October 2021, ready to join in-person teaching from Monday 18 October.

If arrival on campus is not possible by this date, students will need to request remote study.

Please check the start dates and charges of any accommodation contracts your students may have committed to.

We cannot guarantee that your students’ accommodation provider will be able to change this start date – you may be liable to pay as per your contractual obligations.

If your students are on a programme of study with a non-standard start date (ie anything other than Monday 20 September), please check with Admissions when they need to arrive on campus, as different rules may apply.


We understand students travelling from red or amber list countries will have questions about the support available.

We are currently finalising this provision, including supporting students with hotel quarantine costs (for those travelling from UK-designated red list countries) and other quarantine provision (for those travelling from UK-designated amber list countries) and will update you with full details by week commencing 19 July 2021 at the latest.

Once we have finalised this, we will email all our offer-holders, agents and update the information on our website.

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Edge Hill University – Quarantine support package
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