Study Smart Conducted a Seminar on “Higher Education & Career pportunities Abroad” In Nashik

On 21st Jan 2023, Study Smart team conducted another successful seminar on Higher Education and Career Opportunities Abroad in Nashik. The event received strong participation of 250+ prospective students where they got the opportunity to gain valuable information on pursuing higher education and a career abroad.

The session included insights from Managing Director, Mr. Chetan Jain and expert counsellors of Study Smart who have 8+ years of experience in the field of overseas education. They touched upon every aspect the student needs to understand while planning to study overseas, from application to visa documentation. Every challenge which student faces along the way was addressed during the symposium. Along with that, an IELTS workshop and one-on-one counseling sessions were conducted which aimed at providing more detailed and personalized information to the potential students. Parents and students were pleased with Study Smart for bringing high-quality services to their doorstep because all their questions had been answered. Study Smart organizes many such educational services across several cities in India with the aim of democratizing overseas education.

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Study Smart organized “Study Abroad Admission Day Event” At Institute Of Engineers, Nashik

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